Hello! I’m back for another book tag, Beauty and the Beast Book Tag. This was created by Kirsty and the Cat Read. I wasn't tagged but I love Beauty and the Beast so much that I MUST do it!
So without further ado, let’s get into it!
1. “Tale As Old As Time” - A popular theme, trope or setting you will never get bored of reading.
I love reading books about Mental Health.
2. Belle - A book you bought for it’s beautiful cover that’s just as beautiful inside too.
If by Nina G. Jones
I just love white background and colorful prints, so I was intrigued with the cover, and when I read the premise, I was sold!
3. Beast - A book you didn't expect much from but pleasantly surprised you.
Vain by Fisher Amelie
I was unsure if I was I going to like this, I didn't think that I was going to love it.
4. Gaston - A book everyone loves that you don’t.
Left Drowning by Jessica Park
I don't like it. I wanted to drop the book so many times.
5. Lefou - A loyal sidekick you can’t help but love more than their counterpart.
Adrian Ivashkov from the Vampire Academy Series
I know he got his own series, but I just love him! I wish Rose ended up with him.
6. Mrs. Potts, Chip, Lumière and Cogsworth - A book that helped you through a difficult time or that taught you something valuable.
There are so many to say, reading just takes me to another world. It makes me happy.
7. “Something There” - A book or a series that you weren’t into at first but picked up towards the end.
Addicted Series by Krista Ritchie and Becca Ritchie
I liked Addicted to You but I thought I wouldn't want to pick up the others. I gave it another shot and I began to love it.
8. “Be Our Guest” - A fictional character you’d love to have over for dinner.
Leonard Peacock from Forgive Me, Leonard Peacock
I would like to have him for dinner and just make him feel better.
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